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The ‘Big M’ METHOD
The Strategy To Stop Wasting Your TimeAnd Pull Out Of The Bag…
When Your Online Business Is FailingOr Just Won’t Bring In Any Cash
A Quick Word From The Publisher.
You are now one of our merry band of low key working in the background internet marketers, whose intentions are to quietly make a very good living from their online business.
NBI is published weekly to help as many of its subscribers as it can achieve the lifestyle and income level they desire, motivate and inspire and help with honest commonsense tips and advice in all areas of Internet marketing.
This is given through informative and light hearted articles, internet marketing courses and books and honest reviews on software and programming old and new, with comments on general chit chat that is going around the web, all based on my experience and opinions for what they are worth.
Because being successful online is more than knowing what solo adds to buy, mind set and your feeling of wellbeing also plays a major part in the level of success you achieve.
So, I will be passing on to you tips, tricks and information on Success Thinking, Personal Development, self improvement and time management that I have used myself in the past and still use today to keep my head right and my eye on the ball. Anything to help you to reach the financial potential and lifestyle you are striving for.
Just a Note on UK USA Vocabulary:
I was born and live in the UK. I have extensively travelled the world including the USA many times on business & pleasure and many of my customers and readers are based worldwide the majority in the US and UK
When reading any of my newsletters, courses, or books you will find me using for some words US and some times UK spelling. I try and keep away from country specific examples, politics, and religion and you will find me using holiday & vacation interchangeable and the same with many other words. However some will always have different descriptions such as pavement (UK) & sidewalk (USA).
My customer base is world wide and as such I try and adapt where possible; I make no apologies for mixing up the spelling of certain words such as humour (UK) & humor (USA) or colour (UK) & color (USA).
In my opinion how the word is spelt is of no mater as it will not diminish the quality and power of the information or the ability to help you understand and enjoy the information I pass on to you with my ramblings and writings.
Stay Lucky